The Bible Is Tribal

We asked Papa Bear to share more with us about who he is and what he does, here are his words: I am an Ayapaha. Which means speaker. I have other titles but we don’t make our titles public knowledge. I was adopted so my adopted name is Todd Finney. My Dakota name is Ta Can’te Was’te Yuha Omani which means He Who Walks With His Good Heart My nickname that everyone knows me by is PapaBear. I also have a Lakota name which is To’ke Ko’ki’pesni which means Fears No Enemy. I Address state representatives in an official capacity. I weigh in and give insight of our wants and culture.I give direction for our nation at times and am asked to pray and weigh in on things concerning our nation and indigenous peoples on our continent. Tune in for an insightful chat! The Story of Hope podcast has a vision to Share the story of how Bible Translation brings hope to the people groups of the world. The purpose is to create interactive dialogue on what Bible Translation is, why it is needed, and it's broader impact with the hope that it will help people connect with the Bible Translation movement.

Megamorphic Church